Sunday, August 31, 2008

3rd Grade Travels

This blog was created to allow students to write to the class when they travel. Let us know where you are and what you are doing. We would love to experience your trip with you. To add a comment to our blog, just click on the comment button. Make sure to include your first name, so we know who is blogging. Looking forward to hearing about your travels!


Jodi Tofani said...

Mrs. Tofani is looking forward to hearing about Grace's trip to the Turks & Caicos Islands, Blake's trip to Disney World, and Natalie's trip to Germany. Let's see who blogs the most!

Tofani's Kids said...
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Tofani's Kids said...

Mrs. Tofani is hoping that Blake has a great time at Disney World. Maybe he will be able to blog us from the Magic Kingdom.

Tofani's Kids said...

Dear Class Mates and Mrs. Tofani,

This is Natalie and my dad. I am posting from my Great Aunt Anne Marie´s house in Bückeburg, Germany. To get here we flew from Atlanta to Amsterdam, and then from Amsterdam to Hanover. My Opa (Grandpa) picked us up from the airport and drove us to Great Aunt Anne Marie´s. My Tic Toc Oma (Great Grandmother) lives with Great Aunt Anne Marie. At Oma´s, I met my Great Aunts and Great Uncles. My Uncle David and Aunt Nicki are also here with their two children John and Christen. Oma and Opa are here also.

German culture is a little diffent than America. Their national sport is soccer. They eat their big meal at lunch time and open faced sandwiches for breakfast and dinner. Between lunch and dinner they have cake and tea.

My Dad is typing this because their keyboards are different than ours. They have 30 letters in their alphabet, and we have 26. The additional letters are ä, ö, ü, and §. The first three are the long vowels for a, o, and u. The dots on the top are called umlauts. The last one is a double s.

Great Aunt Anne Marie has a florist shop and nursery at her house. Great Uncle Rolf has a car garage and electronic shop next to Great Aunt Anne Marie´s flower shop.

Yesteray we celebrated Tic Toc Oma´s 85th birthday. Today, we went to der Bückeburg Shlo§. (the Bückeburg Castle). Prince Alexander lives at the castle. The chapel is the oldest room in the castle. It is 702 years old. The first 6 princes had their hearts seperated from their bodies and buried beneath the chapel, because they believed their hearts would be closer to god. Prince Alexander is the prince of Shaumburg-Lippe.

Count Wilhelm in 1762 helped defend Portugal from Spain. In return the king of Portugal gave him a golden cannon. While in Portugal, Count Wilhelm visited a chocolate factory. After the war he started the first chocolate factory in Germany. Germany is famous for it´s chocolate thanks to him.

While on our castle tour we fed the castle ducks that live in the mote. We fed them from the bridge that crosses the mote. After our tour we had ice cream. German´s love ice cream.

Tomorrow, we are going to Köln (Cologne). We are going to see Der Dom. (The Cathedral) We are also going to the Chocolate Museum. I will write more when I return from Köln.

Tofani's Kids said...

This is Mrs. Tofani. Thank you for blogging us from Germany. We loved hearing about your trip to the castle. I am especially excited that you visited a chocolate factory. I LOVE CHOCOLATE!! I am sure you are having a great time. Your Tic Toc Oma must be so happy to see what a wonderful girl you are. We miss you in class. Enjoy the rest of your trip. Write if you can. Love, Mrs. Tofani

Tofani's Kids said...

Natalie thank you for the note.I bet Germany is a fun place.

from Joseph

Tofani's Kids said...

Dear Natalie,
We miss you. We can not wait until you get back.

Tofani's Kids said...

Hi this is Grace. I
think that was so cool. The class really misses you and so do I.I can't wait until you get back.I would really want you to take me to Germany it souneds really sweet. See you when you get back


Tofani's Kids said...

dear natalie,
I miss you cleaning up. I wish I had a trip like yours.thank you for wrirting that leter

Tofani's Kids said...

Dear Natalie,
i hope your having fun in Germany,were having sooooooooooooo
much fun in school, well kind of.
Anyway we miss you sooooooooooooooooooooo much!We wish you were here,
your friend,

Tofani's Kids said...

Dear Natalie,
I hope your having a great time!
We have been reading poppy.
I will tell you about it.
Mr. Ocax won't let the family move! Poppy goes up in the attic
and wonders what wiil happen.
That is all we have read so far.
I miss you.
love, Piper

Tofani's Kids said...

Dear Natalie,
We are looking forwards to your next blog! How was the choclate
factory? Hope to see you soon!

your friend,
p.s. When are you coming back?

Tofani's Kids said...

dear Natalie,
we are having so much fun here in
class. In art we made funny animals
mine was so funny. We have done many math games.Yesterday we played
Tic tac toe Sums it was so much fun.thank you for writing us.

your friend,
september 23,2008

Tofani's Kids said...

Dear Natalie,
We are looking foward to your next blog!!!!! How is your trip? We miss you!

your friend,
p.s. When are you coming back?

Tofani's Kids said...

we hope you have a great time at the choclate museum.We miss you.I hope you come soon.

your friend,
p.s.when are you coming back?

Tofani's Kids said...

Dear natalie,
we miss you! Were reading poppy.
How is your trip going in germany.


p.s when are you comeing back?

Tofani's Kids said...

Dear Natile,
I wonder how the choclate tased
there.How long it took you to
get there.


Tofani's Kids said...

Dear Natalie,
how was your trip to Germany?

Was it good?
